Customer Testimonials

Please see below a few kind words from some of our customers. We strive to deliver our customers an unrivalled service! If you would like to leave us a review, please find Allprocleans Exterior Cleaning on Google, here. To like Allprocleans on Facebook and leave us a recommendation, click here

Peter Jones

Mark always does a very professional job, & with good humour. Our windows are always cleaned to a high standard & at a very reasonable cost. We are delighted & will be adding gutter cleaning. Peter Jones (Google Review)


My gutters and downpipes were absolutely jammed with leaves and moss. Mark visited today and has done an amazing job at clearing everything out and also cleaning all the external guttering, pipes and soffits. On top of that, he has also cleaned my windows and those of my adjoining neighbours’ houses that may have been splashed in the process and removed all leaves. He has done a very professional job, cannot recommend enough. By Liam (Google Review)

Natalie White

Mark is the best Window/Gutter cleaner we’ve worked with. We really appreciate his professional approach and attention to detail. By Natalie White (Google Review)

Tony Lugger

A good window cleaning service provided with a cheery smile. Always on time. By Tony Lugger (Google Review)

Allprocleans fully insured window cleaners


GU35 0HQ,

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